Friday, May 19, 2017

Sonic the Hedgehog: Issue 128

Sonic the Hedgehog: Issue 128
Publication Date: October 2003

So we're three issues into the “Tossed in Space” event. Thus far, the story arc has not impressed. For the third part, which confusingly contains the fifth and sixth installments of the story, Archie dug deep into the archives, bringing back a foe that hasn't been seen in 107 issues. The return of E.V.E. - last seen a long ass time ago in issue 21 – provides us with the best edition of “Tossed in Space” thus far. Which still isn't saying too much.

Sonic is cruising through space in the ship the Azurites provided him with last time. They instructed him to visit a near-by planet, promising the residences there could return him home. When Sonic reaches those coordinates, he instead discovers a ring of space debris. Quickly getting picked up by a group of space adventurers, the hedgehog is informed that the world was destroyed by E.V.E. As in the highly advanced robotic life form Robotnik created ages ago. Which has taken to devouring planets all over the solar system. Feeling responsible for E.V.E.'s path of destruction, Sonic heads out to face the entity directly.

The first half of the story, entitled “Starmada,” is devoted to Sonic talking to the fleet of aliens. It's mildly fun, capitalizing on the sci-fi setting more than any of the previous chapters of “Tossed in Space” have. There's definitely some pulpy fun to seeing Sonic interact with a bunch of crazy aliens. The same can be said for the hedgehog piloting a space ship, avoiding laser blasts and asteroids. Yes, their leader – who is named Bagbar Breeblebrox, yet another obvious Douglas Adams homage – does little more then cough up exposition. But the designs are all pretty neat, especially the reptilian female in leather cowboy hat.

Once E.V.E. re-enters the story following her long absence, this issue becomes less interesting. The neigh unkillable super-robot has essentially evolved into yet another Galactus rip-off. That brings the “Sonic” book's number of would-be Galactuses – Galacti? - to three. This is emphasized in a scene where E.V.E. massive ship floats over an innocent planet, tears it apart, devouring everything there, and leaving ruin in its place. Unlike Galactus, who has a clear reason for eating worlds, E.V.E.'s goals are a little fuzzier. She talks about freeing other enslaved artificial life forms but I'm not sure how destroying how planets accomplishes that.

The second half, which gets the pun-tastic title of “E.V.E. Ill,” isn't a story with a lot of emotional stakes. But there's one scene that stands out. After sneaking inside E.V.E.'s massive ship, Sonic goes exploring while wearing a space suit. He, somehow, runs into Sally. The two unite with a hug and attempt to kiss, their space helmets clanking together. They were so caught up in the moment, they didn't even think about it. Awwwww. It's easy to guess that this isn't the real Sally but rather E.V.E. impersonating her. But it still provides this story with its sole moment of emotional resonance. It also serves to reminds us on what Sonic is missing out on and why he's journeying through space in the first place: To be reunited with the people he loves.

“E.V.E. Ill” has a disappointing conclusion, like seemingly all the stories have in this arc. (This one doesn't even have the excuse of making room for a back-up story, as this entry occupies the entire comic.) Twice, issue 128 reminds us of the events of issue 21. Probably not a bad idea, since it was a while ago, though I don't know why we needed two recaps. Anyway, Sonic informs E.V.E. that, when he told her to evolve pass her original programming, he didn't expect her to go around, destroying worlds. It basically takes one page of convincing before E.V.E. realizes she has fucked up. Her response? To dive into a fucking sun, obliterating herself. Sonic talks the super-robot into killing herself way too quickly. His lack of a reaction is also disappointing, as he's too preoccupied with fleeing to his space ship.

The story could've used another draft but issue 128 features some nice art work. J. Axer draws the first half. The gang of alien marauders look pretty awesome in Axer's style, as his extreme detail and colorful character designs make these utterly minor character look memorable. Dawn Best handles the second half. Best isn't as great an illustrator as Axer but she still does fine work. Sonic's body looks a little funny in a few panels but Best's nicely draws the faux reunion between the hedgehog and his princess. Her design for E.V.E. - a pink-skinned and haired female with a dress made of tentacles – is interesting. It's just as good a design as the crystal-brained angry face with tentacles Spaz drew oh so long ago.

At least there's no lame back-up story this time! Yeah, issue 128 still has some serious problems. I'm not going to deny that. But it also has some amusing moments, which counts for something in this comic book. If nothing else, it looks pretty neat. I'll take what I can get. [6/10]


  1. Who does EVE think she is, the Crystalline Entity? Sonic should dress up like Sherlock Holmes.

  2. 6 More issues before that one issue
