Monday, November 20, 2017

Sonic the Hedgehog: Issue 178

Sonic the Hedgehog: Issue 178
Publication Date: August 2007

For the last few issues, Ian Flynn has been planning something concerning Tails' parents. A late introduction into the already swelling supporting cast of Archie's “Sonic the Hedgehog” series, Amadeus and Rosemary Prower haven't done very much since they were introduced back in “Sonic Kids 2.” For years, it was just assumed that they were dead. Turns out, they were just on an alien planet for some fucking reason. Since bringing them back to Mobius, Flynn has been hinting that Amadeus was up to something. In this issue, we find out what.

It turns out the Prowers are no fans of the monarchy. They rally a protest in the newly created streets of New Mobotropolis, demanding that the new city gets a new form of government. One that speaks for the people, instead of some royal family that takes advice from a talking pool of gold in their basement. Amadeus Prower gets tossed in jail for this protest, seen as an act of treason. Sonic comes to the monarchy's defense. Tails comes to defend his parents. It's a disagreement the two life long pals won't be able to hug out.

The revolt in Knothole has been brewing for quite some time. I like this idea for a few reasons. First off, it gives Amadeus Prower a pretty important character turn without turning him into a bad guy. In fact, his objection to the Acorn royal family are entirely reasonable. He points out that the last two generations of kings allowed Robotnik to come to power and then allowed him to come to power a second time. That there's been a constant state of strife in Mobius all throughout Max and Elias' reigns. These are valid complaints. This also addresses an issue I've had with the series for years. Which is why would a technologically advanced civilization such as this live under a monarchy anyway? Maybe it is time to try something new.

Ian successfully prevents Amadeus from looking like an asshole. He even maintains Elias' integrity, as the young king is heavily conflicted about what to do in this scenario. Sadly, Max Acorn gets thrown under the bus instead. In the past, other writers have written the now retired King as an asshole for no reason. So I guess there's precedence for it. When Elias suggest that maybe there's some validity to what Amadeus is saying, Max is incensed. He believes Prower is a traitor, that should be locked up and punished. That the Acorns have ruled for hundreds of years and should rule for a hundred more. It just makes the king come off as petty, terrified of loosing what meager power he has left.

Of course, the civil unrest in New Mobotropolis is just the reasoning for the story's more important conflict. “House of Cards” would prove to be Archie “Sonic's” way less stupid “Civil War.” Sonic and Tails are going to fight. Two of its greatest heroes, originally best friends, would suddenly become enemies. Instead of cooking up some stupid heroes' registration act, the conflict is entirely personal. Sonic is fighting for the order he's worked so hard to maintain. Tails is fighting for his family, which he doesn't want to loose again. Flynn has been hinting at some tension between the hedgehog and the fox for a while now. Ever since his mom and dad came back, Tails has realized he doesn't need Sonic to be his hero anymore. Let's face it: Tails has grown a lot over the years. And Sonic still treats him like a sidekick.

As far as a reason for two good guys to fight, it's about as organic as it gets. Still, for a long time “Sonic” reader, seeing Sonic and Tails trade blows is kind of shocking. I'm not even the biggest fan of Sonic and Tails' bromance. Yet the two-tailed fox sneaking up behind his best friend, his hero, and punching him in the head? Shit. That's pretty severe! My favorite version of Tails has always been the angry one, when he's a little resentful of his placement on the team. So I find myself enjoying this turn of events quite a bit. Any friendship as long lived as Sonic and Tails is going to have its growing pains.

If the first part of “House of Cards” has any problem, it's that the dialogue balloons are a little oppressive. “Sonic,” being about a blue hedgehog that runs fast and fights robots, is not usually a wordy book. Yet “House of Cards” is very focused on dialogue. Sonic and Nicole talk. Sonic and Elias talk. Elias and Max talk. In an especially long winded series of exchanges, Amadeus and Elias talk. (Actually, what Amadeus does is more like talking at the King.) I certainly have no issue at all with character based stories. I usually like them a lot. But this one is a little heavy on the orating.

Even in an issue as plot heavy as this, Ian sneaks in some smaller character moments. First off, Knuckles is leaving town for a while. Mostly, this sets up the upcoming arc where the echidna will become Enerjak and resolve the conflict on the Floating Island. Still, the scenes of Julie-Su and the Chaotix bidding Knuckles farewell are awfully cute. Knuckles insists Julie-Su stays, for her safety. While I'm not sure my Julie-Su would ever settle for that, her reluctance is sold well.

The character that gets the most development in this one is Nicole. It turns out she is still getting used to having a physical body. In a very cute series of panels that a book like this normally wouldn't make room for, Nicole awkwardly barges into Sonic's bedroom, waking him up. How the hedgehog handles this – surprise but then sleepy calm – is a little moment that really impresses me. As is Nicole sheepishly admitting she's still getting used to things.

Tracy Yardley makes great use of shadow in this, adding a moodier edge to a story about alliances being tested. The page devoted to Tails and Rosemary sneaking into the detention center is fantastically illustrated and inked. Part one of “House of Cards” isn't a perfect story, as there are some minor flaws. Still, this is a “Sonic” story that is ambitious in an all together different way than Ian's last few issues. It's all about character, all about emotion, and it all flows so naturally too. It's another very good edition to a really awesome year of stories. [8/10]


  1. This year has just been a constant string of 8 out of 10s with the occasional 7 (For the main book anyway). What a great year 2007 was. I remember the Sonic X comic getting better in 2008.

  2. "Majesty! The people are revolting!"
    "The verb?"

    Super uncomfortable moment where Mammoth Mogul compliments Tails' father about his son's ability to be power-raped.
