Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Sonic the Hedgehog (IDW): Issue 62

Sonic the Hedgehog (IDW): Issue 62
Publication Date: July 5th, 2023

Something I've observed about IDW's "Sonic the Hedgehog" comic, and maybe all other "Sonic" comics, is that sometimes they are better when Sonic is barely in them. I often suspect this is simply a practical matter for the writers. Sega closely guards how Sonic is used these days, since he's both their star franchise and their corporate mascot. I can imagine it's easy to write a compelling protagonist when you have execs breathing down your neck, demanding their I.P. conforms totally to their expectations for it. 

Similarly, "Sonic" fans are fucking deranged​ exceptionally passionate and no two seemingly agree on who Sonic even is as a character. Once again, it's gotta be nerve wracking trying to make a fictional character your own, as every writer inevitably does, when everyone and everybody is willing to tell you all the different ways you're doing it wrong. (I guess Ian Flynn must like that, since he's been doing it for over sixteen years at this point.)

Thus, the temptation must be overwhelming to just eject Sonic altogether and focus on the supporting cast. IDW has done this before with their various mini-series and the freedom afforded by that has obviously been a boon. The mainline book has done it a few times too and looks to be partially doing it again starting in issue 62. The blue hedgehog appears nowhere in this installment. He might not even be mentioned. I'm sure this'll ruffle some folks' feathers but I'm totally fine with it. If various factors prevent the comics from exploring Sonic's world directly, let his supporting cast do the exploring instead. 

So who are the focal points in this story, if not Sonic? Depends on which page you open up to. Amy lands on Angel Island to give Knuckles the echidna relic Rouge casually handed her at the end of last issue. The two quickly stumble into some traps on their way to return the bust to its proper resting place. Meanwhile, Clutch the Opossum recruits Mimic in his latest scheme to infiltrate the Restoration. Mimic agrees to do it as another chance to get revenge on Tangle and Whisper. Funny enough, the Restoration is, at that very moment, looking to expand their numbers. Lanolin is debating the merits of adding more people to the team with Tangle and Whisper when some guy named Duo walks in... Hmmm, I wonder who that could be??? 

For years, Sega has refused to elaborate on the backstory of Angel Island and finally explain what exactly happened to the echidna race. It's sort of crazy to think that the story of Pachacamac and Chaos, from the first "Sonic Adventure," is the only real addition to the echidna lore we've gotten we've gotten in the video games ever. (Except for "The Dark Brotherhood," I guess, but we don't talk about that one anymore.) That was 24 years ago. The lack of an in-game canon concerning Knuckles' race is why Ken Penders went hog fuckin' wild back in the Archie day. And I'm sure how all that worked out has been another factor in why Sega is reluctant to explore this stuff, beyond their general strategy of keeping characters vague to maximize public appeal and leave their corporate mascots unsullied. 

We are possibly, finally moving past that reluctance now. "Sonic Frontiers" provided a definitive origin for the Chaos Emeralds. This issue suggests perhaps, maybe, we might be getting some information about Angel Island and what the hell happened to the echidnas soon. That a big chunk of this issue revolves around Knuckles returning an ancient echidnan relic to an altar certainly suggests we might get more stuff like that soon. There's no answers now and I'm skeptical any will come quickly. We've been teased many times before. But the fact that issue 62 features this stuff at all is surprising. Surely Flynn is going somewhere with this, right?

Honestly, Knuckles having a main role in the comic again is kind of surprising. Aside from a story in last year's annual, the echidna has been largely unseen around here since the Metal Virus Saga ended. I assumed this was another example of Sega really insisting the characters toe the corporate line. Thus, Knuckles must always be focused on guarding the Master Emerald and nothing else. His presence here might be another clue that these regulations are starting to loosen up. 

Whatever the reason, I'm really happy Knux is back. Most of this issue is built around him and Amy talking while exploring the island. The need for action beats – in the form of the ground giving out under Amy's feet not once but twice – interrupt the conversational flow. That's awkward but the slower paced, character focused approach is really appreciated otherwise. (Especially after the underwhelming, action heavy last arc.) This issue really emphasizes what a good pair Knuckles and Amy are. Amy is supportive, outgoing, friendly. Knuckles is a shy loner, which he covers up with tough guy bravado. She gets him out of his shell. His gruffness is a nice contrast to her sunniness. Even if the dialogue here is a little too focused on putting plot points to bed, Flynn writes some likable banter for these two.  

The other plot thread in this issue also does something "Sonic" comics are always in need of. That would be expanding the non-Eggman related rogues gallery. I thought Clutch was just a gangster previously but it turns out he's something much worst: A businessman. We find out in this issue that he runs a company devoted to cleaning up the aftermath of Eggman attacks and salvaging whatever weapons they can. He wants Mimic to sneak into the Restoration to get at their hidden horde of Eggman tech. That makes him a different type of villain than what we've seen thus far. He doesn't want to rule the world or conquer anything, like Eggman, Starline, or Zavok. He's not motivated by personal grudges, like Surge or Mimic is. He just wants to make himself more powerful. Giving Mimic more depth – further establishing him as Tangle and especially Whisper's archenemy – is also much appreciated. 

I do have to question the Restoration's recruitment process though. This guy they know nothing about walks in, gives them very little information about himself, and he's immediately accepted on a trial basis. I get that this is a kids comic and that nobody wants to bore the audience with a job interview and resume process. Let's get into the story as quickly as possible, right? Yet it does strain believability a little that Mimic, as Duo, more-or-less just walks into the Diamond Cutters' office and immediately gets accepted. You'd think the good guys would be a little more cautious about that, especially when they have a known enemy who can shapeshift! 

I also can't help but wonder if this particular plot thread would be a little more compelling if we didn't know Duo was actually Mimic. That would've made for a nice reveal a little later on, ya know? In general, it remains to be seen if Flynn can bring these divergent plot threads together in a satisfying way. Right now, Amy and Knuckles' business on Angel Island and Mimic's attempt to infiltrate the Restoration are totally unrelated. The next issue looks to be bringing Silver into things and adding another storyline with Sonic and Blaze, so maybe these events won't tie together at all. Is that sloppy or naturalistic writing? I can't tell yet. 

Overall, I liked this issue. Yeah, the dialogue is a little heavy on the exposition. Yet Flynn sneaks in enough cute character interactions to keep it from reading like a checklist of plot points. Single panels devoted to Knuckles and Amy bantering, or Lanolin getting annoyed at Tangle's incessant paddle-balling goes a long way. Thomas Rothlisberger's artwork is spirited and expressive, in a way that really enlivens the proceedings. Whether it comes together into a satisfying whole, or leads to bigger and more meaningful moments, remains to be seen. Flynn is, in general, much better at setting up a story than bringing it all together. Yet we are off to a likable, intriguing start here. [7/10]

1 comment:

  1. I discovered your blog a little over a year ago, started reading everything on here on order, and now I'm caught up. Just thought I'd mention that.
