Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Sonic the Hedgehog: Issue 177

Sonic the Hedgehog: Issue 177
Publication Date: July 2007

With issue 177, the first major story arc of 2007 wraps up. Sonic began this story totally defeated at his enemy's hands. He would end it victorious. While it may seemed like Flynn planned it that way, apparently the corporate overlords intervene. As previously discussed, one of Sega's brain dead mandates on the book was that Sonic could never loose. This would seem to limit the series' plotting potential, since the hero potentially loosing his fights is kind of what causes dramatic tension in actions series like this. Sega would only allow the crushing defeat in 175 if it had turned around by 177. But it all worked out okay, because Flynn was once really good at working around the dumb mandates.

Having escaped Robotnik's Egg Grapes last issue, the Freedom Fighters are happily hanging out in the New Mobotropolis Nicole has built for them from the Nanite City. The surrounding force field is strong enough to protect against the Eggman Empire's constant bombardment. Inside the dome, Sonic and his friends tend to the wounded and realize the magnitude of what they have won. Eventually, Robotnik comes calling for another personal showdown.

Despite what the cover promises, this is not an action packed story. In fact, it's almost an entirely character-centric conclusion. That's a pretty interesting idea, ending an event story line with an extended resolution like this. Maybe that's fitting, considering what Ian has pulled off here. “Home, New Home” finishes the reconstruction he's been putting the comic through for the last year and a half. The new status quo is set up with this one. The heroes have a new base, a new line of defense against their greatest enemy. The changes aren't exactly done but all the debris that was laying around when Flynn first came on the book has been swept away, the useful pieces built into something more orderly and focused.

That this story is given such an affectionate title as “Home, New Home” is very fitting. One of the things I loved so much about SatAM and the comic's early days is how homey and comfortable Knothole Village felt. Yes, Sonic and his friends were fighting a guerrilla war against a dictator with a humanity draining weapon. That has been lost for quite some time, since King Elias and Karl Bollers rebuilt the tiny village into a growing city. With “Home, New Home,” Flynn has recaptured that early feeling of safety, of comfort. New Mobotropolis is a lot more then just simple grass huts. Yet it maintains the comfort, the familiarity of the old location. It also has an nigh-impenetrable laser shield and the city can even come alive to protect people, confirming that safe feeling.

Issue 177 is also about examining the losses that have occurred. Nobody has died during the Eggman Empire arc. Maybe somebody should've. Maybe Ian got his blood lust out of the way during “The Darkest Storm.” Yet the Freedom Fighters didn't come away from this fight without some injuries. Rotor's back is in a sling, after being buried in some rubble during Snively's attack on Freedom HQ. Charmy is still acting very peculiar, following his exposure to the Egg Grapes. Sonic... Well, he's mostly okay, according to Dr. Quack. It's not a huge deal but, when mainstream comics toss major injuries and deaths aside with such ease, it's nice to focus on the recovery a bit.

A major goal of Flynn's, that has been very apparent for the last few issues, was to de-bitch-ify Princess Sally. He's had her back on the battle field more often. He's had her apologizing for the grossly out-of-character writing she suffered under Boller's pen. He's had the People's Princess interacting with the commoners more, realizing an important part of her royal duty is to serve the public. In other words, Flynn has given Sally her agency back, so that she's no longer at the whims of the plot. This comes full circle in “Home, New Home.” Sally gets a significant haircut. She looses the long red hair she's been sporting since the “Home” arc. She's back to the tomboy-ish bob she wore in the SatAM days. This visual cue makes something all too clear: The Sally we fell in love with is back. Thank god for that.

Through all of this character work, Ian is still finding time to squirrel away older, lingering plot points. This speaks to either his strengths as an organized writer or just how much bullshit was left by the old crew. Probably both. Anyway, Robotnik sends the team of B-list villains – Mogul, Naugus, Nack, Bean and Bark – to intimidate the Freedom Fighters. Instead, Nicole uses the city's new built in defenses to immediately teleport them into jail cells. This leaves these guys alive but indisposed, until Ian finds a place for them again. We also see Hope Kintobor for the first time in a while. Pissed at Snively for lying to her, she flies off. This also allows Ian to some breathing room, to use Hope at a later date.

He also uses this slower paced issue to set up more future plot points. During the siege on new Mobotropolis, we catch up with what Dr. Finitevus is up to. Something sinister, it turns out. He's prepping the return of Enerjak or, more accurately, the unveiling of a new Enerjak. This also reminds us that Scourge is still out there, being an asshole. Lastly, Tails' parents continue to hint at their plans for the royalty. At the times, this was probably meant to suggest something more severe. Maybe their time in outer space scrambled their brains, making them evil? Flynn would go in a different direction with that, something a little less trite. Setting up the new blocks after knocking down the old ones is smart writing.

The token action sequence this issue includes also has its purpose. When Robotnik lands in front of New Mobotropolis, still wearing the Egg Beater armor, he demands to face Sonic again. The hedgehog marches outside to fight. And he brings all his friends along with him. This makes two points. That the Freedom Fighters are the greatest assets Sonic has, that they won't be going anywhere in Flynn's brave new world. It also serves to humiliate Robotnik the way he humiliate Sonic two issues ago. Which is fair and fitting.

In conclusion, “Home, New Home” is a pretty great conclusion to a pretty great story arc. It's a deeply satisfying read, promising exciting new adventures to come while giving our heroes a victory they can be proud of. It also returns some really important elements, and feelings too, that have been absent for a while. Which is really important to me, an old school Sonic fan who likes things done a certain way. [8/10]


  1. Retreat, Eggman! We can't make another jail cell for you yet or something!

  2. I'm so glad that Sally is being written better nowadays. I definitely didn't like how she was being written early on. Awesome review!
