Monday, April 23, 2018

Sonic Universe: Issue 12

Sonic Universe: Issue 12
Publication Date: January 2010

As 2010 started, “Sonic Universe” wrapped up its first Knuckles arc. The final part of “Echoes of the Past” picks up with last issue's cliffhanger. Finnitevus has betrayed both the Chaotix and the Downunda Freedom Fighters to the Dark Egg Legion. Just when both teams look screwed, Duck Bill reveals he's a double agent, letting the heroes escape. While the Chaotix and the Downunda Freedom Fighters fight off the Legionnaires and their Wing-Dingos, Knuckles catches a ride up to the Angel Island. There, he has a seemingly final showdown with Dr. Finnitevus.

As a conclusion to “Echoes of the Past,” issue 12 of “Sonic Universe” is a bit rushed. The central crux of the story has to resolve the Floating Island being chained in the air by the Dark Legion. So it's an odd choice by Flynn to cut away from the Freedom Fighters fighting the Legion and freeing the Island. The stuff about the obscure ruins on the islands, both above and below, isn't paid off. Duck Bill's turncoat status is brushed away after the first couple pages. In the end, “Echoes of the Past” focuses on the conflict between Knuckles and Dr. Finnitevus which, I guess, was the whole point of this story arc anyway. Still, the conclusion doesn't help my general feelings that this story arc has been a little jumbled.

So what about Duck Bill joining the Legion? This reveal was suppose to play out like a big shock last issue. And it might've, if Bill hadn't already gone evil once before in the past and we actually knew way more about the character. When he reveals to his friends that he's not actually evil, Flynn tries to make it work. The script reveals that Bill joined the legion because his fellow platypuses demand he do it. I guess monotremes are susceptible to peer pressure. The sequence wraps up with the Downunda Freedom Fighters forgiving Bill, understanding why he's done this. Which attempts to put some emotional resonance on a still somewhat messy plot point.

Probably my favorite thing about the last part of this “Sonic Universe” are the little nuggets of character interaction. Throughout this story arc, Flynn has hinted that Vector has his origins in Downunda. The last issue revealed that he has some history with the Downunda Freedom Fighters. This issue concludes with Barby saying Vector's father would be proud of him. I don't think this stuff was ever resolved but it's interesting to see little hints about Vector's history. (Flynn also hints at a romance between Barby Koala and Duck Bill, which was his awkward attempt to bury the Tails/Barby ship. It didn't work, Ian, at least from where I'm sitting!)

Like I said, part four of “Echoes of the Past” isn't really about this stuff. Instead, the story finally finds some center when Knuckles faces off with Dr. Finnitevus. (By the way, how he gets back on the Floating Island is pretty neat, with Vector throwing him into the air.) When the team meet, the villains attempts to tempt Knuckles with knowledge about the echidna race. And the hints Finnitevus drops about Mobius' mythology are tantalizing. He mentions how there have been multiple Enerjaks over the year. He talks about how Albion has some dark, ugly secrets that have stayed buried. He even adds sarcastic air-quotes when referencing Aurora. Considering what we've seen from Aurora seems to characterize her as a real goddess, that's an interesting point.

(Of course, what's disappointing is that very few of these plot points would be expanded on. Soon enough, the legal issues with Ken Penders would see a lot of the echidna characters yanked from the book. Like I said, those hints about Vector and his dad would go unexplored. Before exiting the story, Thrash the Tasmanian Devil references his grudge with the echidna race again, the only one of these story ideas that would play out. Sadly, even that would be in a compromised form.)

Still, that showdown between Knuckles and Finnitevus is pretty cool stuff. The villain telling the hero that they can rule together is a cliché moment. Yet Knuckles' absolute rejection of the bad guy's offer is impressive. He rages at the villain while punching him towards the edge of the island. This leads to a pretty cool trading of fisticuffs and then, later, Chaos energy blast. The two recite different versions of the Chaos prayer thing, which neatly show the two characters' different approaches to their powers. Finnitevus then threatens to cut Knuckles in half with a warp ring, a trick the bad guy claims he's never tried before. Personally speaking, if I had access to warp rings, that's one of the first things I'd ever try. Still, it's a satisfying showdown.

Flynn zooms in for the conclusion, devoting the last page to an intimate moment between Knuckles and Julie-Su, the two declaring their devotion to each other anew. It's a sweet moment. I wish the “Echoes of the Past” storyline had more moments like that and Knux's showdown with Finnitevus in general. Overall, I found this story arc to be equal parts unfocused and a bit dull. It got off to a very slow start before rushing through more interesting stuff in the second half. Which just tells me that things needed to be balanced out a little better. [6/10]


  1. A magic showdown was really what Indy 4 was missing.

  2. It's not the same as seeing it in the comic, but a lot of Flynn's ideas for the history of the Echidnas, including the "true" history of Enerjak and Aurora, were revealed in the Sonic Comic Encyclopedia.
