Monday, May 30, 2022

Sonic X, Episode 3.17: The Planet of Misfortune

Sonic X, Episode 3.17: The Planet of Misfortune
Japanese Title: Please Marmolin!

U.S. Air Date: February 25th, 2006
Japanese Air Date: April 17th. 2020

The previous episode of "Sonic X" had Shadow and Eggman becoming heroes to a planet ravaged by the Metarex menace. This episode sticks Sonic and the gang into a similar situation.. Though with wildly different tonal results. "The Planet of Misfortune" begins with the Blue Typhoon continuing through the strange Metarex universe. That's when they pick up a Chaos Emerald signal heading right towards them. What at first is assumed to be a meteor is revealed to be an alien spacecraft. The ship is piloted by strange creatures called Marmolims, who have left their world (which is in disarray, following the theft of its Planet Egg) in search of a savior. They coincidentally found a Chaos Emerald on their journey and agree to give it to the Sonic Team... If they return with them to their world and help save it. On the quirky planet of Marmolim, shenanigans ensue. 

In the past, I've expressed a mild disgust for the simpering, cloying cuteness of the Chao. Those weird little baby blobs are designed to be as cute – and as marketable – as possible. To the point that the appeal goes all away around to the other side of things and repulses me. The Marmolims have a similar design to the Chao. Both are brightly colored, cherubic creatures with beady Cabbage Patch Doll eyes and chubby baby cheeks. They also have plant-like stalks or feathery bits sprouting out of the top of their heads, making them look somewhat like flowers or green onions or something. Considering there's talk later in the episode about plant-like aliens, versus animal-like aliens, I think that was probably a conscious design choice. 

I, of course, find these life forms immediately hideous and distressing. While the Chao are meant to be appealing, I think "Sonic X" actually agrees with me that the Marmolims are abominations. Their orange faced leader – named Lue, because of course these things all have cutesy baby noise names – speaks with a scratchy, ear-splitting voice. When he reveals to Sonic that they have a Chaos Emerald, Lue childishly refuses to let him have it. The Marmolims then blabber about their own rituals before Knuckles chases them around the room. Cosmo and Cream remark that these guys are, and I quote, "weird" while Knuckles berating them is obviously played for comedic effect. The show mellows out on depicting the Marmolims as creepy oddballs after that but I think they are still very much intended to be more uncanny than adowable. 

I've talked before about the Planet of Hats trope and how I figured this season would indulge in it. This is absolutely the case with the Marmolims. Their hat is fortunetelling. People travel from all over the galaxy to have their fortunes read by these freaky vegetable babies. Different methods of divination, like crystal balls, Tarot cards, and Kau chim sticks, are depicted. Their entire economy seems based around the selling of good luck charms and predicting people's futures. This set-up makes for some decent humor. Ever-scientific Tails dismisses it all as "probability." Sonic is skeptical, until he's told that he may encounter water, at which point he slips on a charm said to ward off H20. A supposed psychic tells Knuckles that the echidna is afraid people think of him as gullible... Before successfully goading him into buying a “magic towel.” Lol.

The one Blue Typhoon crew member who eagerly embraces these superstitious practices is, of course, Amy. She immediately sees these scriers as a means to determine her and Sonic are soul mates. She drags him to visit some prophetic rocks, something Sonic flees from quickly. (And I'm honestly surprised he didn't do it sooner.) These antics represent season three continuing to define Amy mostly through her obsessive affection for Sonic. Indeed, a scene where Amy ping-pongs between pinning romantically for Sonic and scheming rather villainously to obtain him borders the creepy. But it's all in good fun, especially the finale where Amy's romantic trap ends up capturing someone else. 

That's because Amy's John Hinckleyian fixation on Sonic is not the only romance in the air. The episode begins on Earth, with Chris' friends worrying about him. Helen wistfully says Chris' name. Later, he's teased about having a girlfriend and seems to imply he does. So I'm gonna say those two have gotten together, presumably bonding over their mutual love of blue hedgehogs. Naturally Tails and Cosmo's growing affection is the main focus of the episode. The little grass girl still doesn't believe in herself. She still feels guilt and anxiety over her reaction to her planet being destroyed. Tails assures her that he's here for her. Awww! She doesn't believe in herself but Tails believes in her enough for two people! That's adorable! The episode ends with these two in each other's arms, following much blushing and gazing into each others' eyes. It's a shame they are doomed. 

Comedy and romance are the main concerns of this episode but, since this is "Sonic X," an action sequence of some sort has to be inserted. Tails and Chris determine that some sort of mass inside planet Marmolim is causing the ecological mishaps. They refer to it as "like a cancer." The episode takes that very literally, as a tumor-like growth is shown under the planet's crust. I'm not really sure how this squares with what we already know about Planet Eggs but never mind that. Sonic is heroically launched inside the planet with the Sonic Driver, exploding the “tumor” via a shitty CGI sequence. And that's pretty much it for the spectacle this time around. It's underwhelming, as far as set pieces go and only occupies a few minutes near the end. 

Considering how grim and serious the previous episode was, I don't blame "Sonic X" for wanting to take things easy this time around. It's a predominantly light-hearted episode, which manages to be fairly entertaining in a goofy, funny way. The only real downside here is some pretty subpar animation. The characters frequently look rather bobblehead-ish and there's a number of stiffly animated scenes, devoted to everyone just standing still and talking. Even with that caveat, I'm going to declare this one a fun time. Sometimes, I'm okay with watching goofy characters in ridiculous situations while two cute kids fall in wuv. [7/10]


  1. Amy, quit being a bitch and let them cuddle in peace!!
    Sonic is the epitome of sigma male. lol

    Watching this episode right after the last one is a great way of getting whiplashed.

    Last filler episode of the show, and yeah... it's cute, if nothing else. The Taismo stuff is adorable, it saves the episode for me. I also like the bit where Amy teases Cosmo about her feelings for Tails. It's funny how everyone is aware, except them.

    I feel like this episode would've been better if it was placed earlier in the season. It does feel a little out of place since every other episode at this point is pretty grimdark, but maybe that was the intent, as you pointed out. I guess you can look at this episode as a throwback to season 1 tone-wise, we even see Chris's friends again.

  2. Although come to think of it. Tails and Cosmo's subplot in this episode is kind of a retread of "An Underground Odyssey" but not as good. Still cute tho, but eh... could've been better. Maybe if they focused more on Tails' insecurities and Cosmo trying to lift him up. (Although they do just that in the next episode). I mean we get it at this point, Cosmo has self esteem issues and survivor's guilt, I feel like this episode focusing on that again was redundant, and didn't really add anything, outside of an adorable moment in the end.
